Problems with the deal - contaminated site, etc.

First off, 99% of the people here in sacramento have never been down to 5th and I street. The Railyard site is a former toxic waste dump. And people will scream and holler saying it has been cleaned up. Wrong. I was just down there and got a first hand whiff of the rotten egg smell that lingers down there. Part of the plan is to build homes in the area. I hope the city has a great insurance policy for when all the new inhabitants get cancer or have children with birth defects. I am not joking or being sarcastic. The RAILYARD is a toxic quagmire. Go ahead go down there and hang out for 15 minutes. Go walk down the tracks at the Amtrak loading docks and you can breath in all the nastyness. Oh did I mention the site has been cleaned up. LOL.

Secondly, there are more people in Sacramento who would not use the facility even if it is built. Why should the majority of Sacramentans pay for something that a fraction of the total population uses? I work with some of the poorest people in area. Physically and mentally disabled people who are on a very tight fixed income. And 25% of .01 makes a difference when you can barely buy food for the month. It might not be a lot of money to people who have jobs and are living a good life which most people who are on these message boards are. Before you rant on this, take a minute and try and look at it from the standpoint from people who cant afford the tax, especially for something that has absolutelty no benifit to helping their lives on a daily basis. They are the ones who will be getting hosed.

Thirdly, the prices for tickets to see the Kings is expensive. Right at the top of the league for prices. After the city dumps the .5 billion dollars on the new arena will the ticket prices go down? Well if the Maloofs are running the show prices will never go down. Even after we pay for the arena we still have to pay out the arse to see anything there. BS in my opinion. So tell me again why should we pay for the arena and then pay top dollar to see anything in the new venue? The city is getting hoodwinked and everyone is being blinded to it because of their faith in the Kings.

My fourth point, even if they build it we dont have the hotel accomodations to back it up. So essentially we will have a nice new arena, but still have major artists not show up here. These rockstars are famous and they know that they can play in the bay area and all their fans in sactown will gladly travel to see them. Sacramento is still sacramento and a new arena wont hide that fact.

And to finish it off. What if the arena is built and it becomes a lemon? Totally bombs and all that is promised doesn't come true? And there is a chance that this could happen. Buy hey they are talking about rehibilitating part of the downtown area that is a former TOXIC WASTE SUPERFUND site. Anything there will be an improvement in looks. But hey cancer and birth defects are only a small problem for the residents who decided to live there under the false promises that its safe. Just like in Natomas you dont need to buy flood insurance. Suckers.

P.S. After the tax pays for the arena we will still have a tax that will not be removed. There are two certainties in life. Death and Taxes. And when was the last time that a tax was removed after it's intended use was fulfilled. There was the long distance phone tax that was just removed, but besides that it does not happen very often.
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All of these points have been driven into the ground over and over already. I don't have the energy to respond to all of them, but my hope is that someone here will.

I will say this: I'm pretty sick and tired of people saying that those who support this measure are being hoodwinked and are blinded by their allegiance to the Kings. Bleh. There are plenty of reasons to support this deal...we don't all have to be "suckers."

First off I will start with your last item on the tax never going away because I hear this alot. This Tax has a Hard Sunset, that means that it would require another public vote for it to stay after its expiration date.

Second and this has been well covered in other posts but there are plenty of County Items that we all pay for and never use; LIke the public assitance I am sure the people you work with get. I gladly pay for those things because they make for a better community.

You obviously have an agenda so I wont argue the Toxic, Cancer item.

Seems like maybe your having a bad day so I hope it gets better.
First, I will not go to the bay area for events. Maybe once, but no longer. It wastes gasoline, pollutes the air and contributes to gridlock. Not only that, but if people from the central valley go there, guess where they are paying some sales tax? Yes, we will paying taxes there to support projects in the bay area. What a deal!

According to Roger Dickinson, much of the site has been cleaned up and is on schedule to be finished by the time arena construction starts, which is 2-3 years away. And do you have any idea what is lurking beneath your house or place of business. Just because they are not on a superfund list, does not mean there are no toxics there. And if it is an issue, the arena can be built elsewhere.

There have been hotels added and the new towers going in will add quite a bit more hotel space. Its chicken/egg anyway. Why would a business want to build hotels where there are no decent venues for events?

I don't like sales tax particularly, but the city has limited ways to raise revenue for anything. This will create $500-600 million for projects that can benefit other groups. School rehab or construction. Which I would support even though I get no direct benefit from schools anymore. And I would support programs of assistance for the poor. I get no direct benefit from those either. Get the picture?

And I figure after spending the vast majority of my income on non sales-taxable items, the quarter cent is no likely to even reach and extra $1.25 month for me.
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The Railyard site is a former toxic waste dump. And people will scream and holler saying it has been cleaned up. Wrong. I was just down there and got a first hand whiff of the rotten egg smell that lingers down there.
The cleanup of the Railyard site is being overseen by the EPA and Cal DTSC whose primary mission is protecting the public. Having worked as an environmental engineer for over two decades, I know that these agencies act responsibly and conservatively. Sites are not deemed as "cleaned up" easily and require a tremendous number of environmental samples, including tons of replicates over time, to prove that a formerly contaminated area is now clean and habitable.

My understanding is that most of the remedial activities have been completed, although I believe there is some GW contamination that will be addressed over the long term. GW problems are usually not a concern for exposure at the surface as long as it's not being used or is treated at the withdrawal source. For example, there is major TCE/PCE GW plume that originated from the Aerojet facility that runs for many miles toward the west. GW treatment systems have ben constructed in a number of locations and, in some cases, wellhead treatment has been added to water utility well sites. That Aerojet plume will have active cleanup going on for years and years. No impact to residents living above it.

If you were able to walk on the Railyard site recently, then there's nothing in the air for you to breathe or to walk on or touch that could casue you harm. I have no idea what the "rotten egg" smell is that you whiffed (typically that type of smell is from hydrogen sulfide), but whatever it was it had nothing to do with fuel and chemical contamination that was at the site. Oftentimes, stagnant water in ditches and potholes can generate H2S if certain bacteria evolve there.

Secondly, there are more people in Sacramento who would not use the facility even if it is built. Why should the majority of Sacramentans pay for something that a fraction of the total population uses? Before you rant on this, take a minute and try and look at it from the standpoint from people who cant afford the tax, especially for something that has absolutely no benefit to helping their lives on a daily basis. They are the ones who will be getting hosed.
Part of the answer is that it's the same reason that we all pay for transportation networks that most of us don't use, such as light rail and buses. It's why we pay for more and better schools, even if we or our families have no intention of attending them. It's why we pay for parks and recreation programs in our communities, even if we don't like to hang out in parks, play recreational sports, or want to take a pottery class. It's why we pay for bike trails and access to waterways, even if we don't jog, have a bike, or a boat.

And there are so many more things....

These are all things that contribute to improving the quality of life for residents. They are there to take advantage of by all, even though certain folks may choose to not take advantage of some or all of these things. But they are there.

The second part of the answer builds from the first. Most people (and I know, not all) want to live in a place where things are as good as they can be...roads, schools, transportation, recreational opportunities. You know, like some of the things above that locals pay for but all do not take advantage of. Most people work to improve their standard of living, not just because they want to work. They want to have the resources to provide a great education, experiences, and opportunities for themselves and their families.

We live in a growth community. And whether or not you can accept this, growth = opportunity. By having a community with good schools, good roads, great recreation opportunities, lots of jobs, and a diversity of opportunities to do things and be what you want to be in life, that is a good thing.

A growing community's government's objective is to provide the diversity of opportunities and facilities to keep growth going. This, in turn, attracts businesses that want to open a new shop or manufacturing plant somewhere, simply because it is good for business and they can attract people to live in that place.

At the stage that SAC has reached in its development, a new arena is but one piece of the puzzle, although an important one, that must be completed to keep our community's growth going.

Regardless of whether or not a resident uses the arena (or uses light rail or rides on a bike path), there is an inherent benefit to that resident from living in a community that has these amenities. It contributes to a more desirable community to live in for more different folks, helping fuel growth, leading to more and better paying jobs, and ultimately a better way of life for all.

You can always argue some municipal project will not benefit some part of the population, but our elected leaders' jobs are to make sure that they "keep all the balls in the air" to maintaining a growing, vibrant community that most find desirable to live in.

You can question EVERY government project as to whom it benefits most...EVERY one. Someone who is poor can question why all this money is being spent in SAC on light rail improvements, since they don't ride it. Someone else well off financially can argue that the milk subsidy for kids in schools provides them with absolutely NO benefit.

In the end, though, if you oppose growth for Sacramento, then you live in the wrong place.

Thirdly, the prices for tickets to see the Kings is expensive. Right at the top of the league for prices. After the city dumps the .5 billion dollars on the new arena will the ticket prices go down? Well if the Maloofs are running the show prices will never go down.
Ticket prices have nothing to do with the arena/sales tax proposal, and we have no idea what will happen with these in the future. Prices, as always for everything, will be established by supply and demand. The Kings' ticket prices did not go up at all for this coming season, although I would not expect that to be a trend over time.

My fourth point, even if they build it we dont have the hotel accomodations to back it up. So essentially we will have a nice new arena, but still have major artists not show up here.
I'm not sure this is true (except for the NBA All Star Game hosting), but even if I give you that one, there is plenty of time for ancillary hotel development to occur to the extent demand dictates it.

And to finish it off. What if the arena is built and it becomes a lemon? Totally bombs and all that is promised doesn't come true? And there is a chance that this could happen. But hey cancer and birth defects are only a small problem for the residents who decided to live there under the false promises that its safe.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean, build it, get world class events and NBA hoops in there, but still no one comes? Do you mean still not get world class events in there? Not sure. In any event, I personally feel that if you build it, they will come. And finally, get off the "cancer and birth defects" stuff. Again, the environmental problems have been well defined and have/are being addressed under many watchful eyes.

P.S. After the tax pays for the arena we will still have a tax that will not be removed. There are two certainties in life. Death and Taxes. And when was the last time that a tax was removed after it's intended use was fulfilled.
The tax sunsets after 15 years. Over. The voters would have to approve something in an election to continue it. What's the problem with that?
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I will say this: I'm pretty sick and tired of people saying that those who support this measure are being hoodwinked and are blinded by their allegiance to the Kings. Bleh. There are plenty of reasons to support this deal...we don't all have to be "suckers."
Me, too!!!! :rolleyes:

All they have to do is read the threads here and see that Kingzfan opinions are well thought out, and facts are presented to support the positions of arena/tax supporters.

I think some Kings fans here would indeed vote for anything to keep the Kings. But they are in a vast minority.

There is also a vast minority which will find a way to oppose any new tax for any purpose.

Those that so easily point a finger and claim blindness need to check their own eyesight.
Being that the vast minority are the ones that vote, kings fans have a problem. How many people do you know who are lazy and dont vote. Cant even get off their butts to apply for a mail in ballot. These are the people who are Kings fans for the most part. Loyal to the team yet to lazy to go vote and be an american, unless you choose not to vote as your choice. But if you choose not to vote then you need to shut the hell up.
Being that the vast minority are the ones that vote, kings fans have a problem. How many people do you know who are lazy and dont vote. Cant even get off their butts to apply for a mail in ballot. These are the people who are Kings fans for the most part. Loyal to the team yet to lazy to go vote and be an american, unless you choose not to vote as your choice. But if you choose not to vote then you need to shut the hell up.
You don't know what the h*ll you are talking about. I'm 56 and have never missed a single vote in my life. I also trained my son well. He has never missed a vote either.
Kennadog welcome to the minority. I am glad that you are an active american. I dont care what you vote as long as you vote. Last voter turn out was 31% for the state. Sacramento's numbers were not much better. Like I said most people on this board or not, kings fans or not are lazy and dont give a damn so they dont vote.
Being that the vast minority are the ones that vote, kings fans have a problem. How many people do you know who are lazy and dont vote. Cant even get off their butts to apply for a mail in ballot. These are the people who are Kings fans for the most part. Loyal to the team yet to lazy to go vote and be an american, unless you choose not to vote as your choice. But if you choose not to vote then you need to shut the hell up.
I forgot. Is today Sweeping Generalization Day or Boast Ignorant Opinions Day?
I forgot. Is today Sweeping Generalization Day or Boast Ignorant Opinions Day?

Ignorance is for the people who complain but dont vote. I vote so I have a right to complain. Just because you dont agree with what I have to say doesnt mean I dont have the right to my own views. I am on a Kings fan site, I am a Kings Fan. But I am not a supporter of the tax and the new arena plan. Do I think that there could be a better solution to the arena issue? Yes, hell yes I do. But when you start taxing everyone for something that benifits a small portion of the pie and saying it's for everyone is just a silly slap in the face. Stop trying to make this arena deal the golden egg that saves sacramento. Kstreet mall is going to be a bargin after the debacle from this arena is sorted out and sifted through.
Me, too!!!! :rolleyes:

All they have to do is read the threads here and see that Kingzfan opinions are well thought out, and facts are presented to support the positions of arena/tax supporters.

I think some Kings fans here would indeed vote for anything to keep the Kings. But they are in a vast minority.

There is also a vast minority which will find a way to oppose any new tax for any purpose.

Those that so easily point a finger and claim blindness need to check their own eyesight.
Dear Kettle,

You're black.



ps it's fine to say there are lots of arguments in favor of the arena- which there are- but when you go on about people blindly supporting causes, without actually making an argument, it really, you know, undermines your non-arguments.

pps what exactly is a "vast minority"?

ppps im sorry to single you out, but this is really in response to everyone who makes a generic response claiming that the arguments against the arena have absolutely no merit whatsoever. Ignoring arguments is not refuting them- like saying, " You obviously have an agenda so I wont argue the Toxic, Cancer item." Yeah, you have an agenda so let's ignore building public facilities on toxic waste dumps.
But you said members of this board, or Kings fans in general. I vote.

Then I welcome you the minority as well. Ask your friends, coworkers and family how they voted last time around. And after 70% of those people tell you they didnt' vote you can start to grasp the problem. I can respect a person who doesn't vote because they choose not to vote, what I cant stand are the people who are to lazy to vote because they dont have the inniative or the motivation to take 5 minutes out of their day and be a part of the system. Americans who are to lazy need to spend some time where their rights are taken away, where they cant vote, or do what they want. Lazy asshats who dont vote pee me off.
Dear Kettle,

You're black.



ps it's fine to say there are lots of arguments in favor of the arena- which there are- but when you go on about people blindly supporting causes, without actually making an argument, it really, you know, undermines your non-arguments.

pps what exactly is a "vast minority"?

ppps im sorry to single you out, but this is really in response to everyone who makes a generic response claiming that the arguments against the arena have absolutely no merit whatsoever. Ignoring arguments is not refuting them- like saying, " You obviously have an agenda so I wont argue the Toxic, Cancer item." Yeah, you have an agenda so let's ignore building public facilities on toxic waste dumps.
Dear Captain Bill--

Have you even bothered to read the extensive support I have provided here for my arguments in favor of the new tax? Why the environmental fear about building at the Railyard site is unfounded (just for reference, I managed the group that led and performed the cleanup of Mather AFB)? Why...heck, I have attempted to justify everything I have taken a stance on.

I have made arguments. Others here are tossing stuff out there, getting well thought out replies, then running away to heave away on something different, rather than engage on the issues they raised.

Until I see some engagement, I can only surmise that it's because they do not have responses to support their position.

I have no idea what the "vast minority" is, it's just my belief that most folks in this community will weigh the issues before making a decision. There are some whose undying love to keep the Kings will lead them to vote "yes", no matter what they learn along the way, no matter what the cost; there are others who are anti-tax on everything and will vote to kill this tax, regardless of what they learn along the way, and ignoring the benfits that they will derive.

So be it.

My opinion is that both of these factions are very much in the minority.

I do not claim that arguments against this new tex have no merit, or else I would just say so and move on. Rather, I have given the REASONS for my position (ad nauseum for most, I'm sure), so I have no earthly idea how you could possibly claim I'm "ignoring" arguments or claiming people have an agenda.

I merely said that those claiming blindness of others need a little introspection, that's all. And they do. They need to examine the REAL reasons for their position.
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Ignorance is for the people who complain but dont vote. I vote so I have a right to complain. Just because you dont agree with what I have to say doesnt mean I dont have the right to my own views. I am on a Kings fan site, I am a Kings Fan. But I am not a supporter of the tax and the new arena plan. Do I think that there could be a better solution to the arena issue? Yes, hell yes I do. But when you start taxing everyone for something that benifits a small portion of the pie and saying it's for everyone is just a silly slap in the face. Stop trying to make this arena deal the golden egg that saves sacramento. Kstreet mall is going to be a bargin after the debacle from this arena is sorted out and sifted through.
Look, I really don't care how you feel about the tax and I do agree that you have a right to your opinion. And I agree that you the the right to voice that opinion. I just don't see your rationale.

Are you trying to convince or show people that this is a raw deal? Or do you just want people to know that you don't like the proposed tax? If it is the latter, you've accomplished that already so you can move on. If it is the former you are after, you may want to back yourself up with some tangible facts that people can look at with their own eyes. Otherwise you are just spouting off what appears to be opinions with no basis. For example, you said:
Roughly on any give shift in the county of sacramento there are 6 police officers for every 100,000 people.
This can be a very powerful information. But where did you get that from? If I say at least 27,000 officers are on duty at all times with nothing to back that up, I am just as reliable a source as you.

Lastly, you don't know who votes and who doesn't vote or why people don't vote. Being a Kings fan is exclusive to whether one votes or not. Making such broad suggestions makes you appear biased and ignorant. [SIZE=-1]
I guess I have to join that minority as well.
I don't have issue with someone like GreenKing airing their point of view. But that person has to realize that their points are going to be challenged. Quite frankly there are quite a few point in the original post that are just flat not true. I've spent a ton of time searching the county and city websites along with the environmental info available. A lot of the ground contaminant work is complete and the ground water recycling/filtering is a very long term process that has been underway for years. The area where the SEF is slated to be built is the far north end of the site. There were no buildings on that location until before it became a railyard. That area has just pretty much been tracks forever. So if the dirt under the tracks is cancer waiting to happen, then I guess a huge chunk of the world is doomed because rail lines are everywhere.
Oh and I guess it needs to keep being repeated that groceries are NOT taxed. If the cost of buying food goes up, it won't be due to this tax increase.
Fears of building on a toxic superfund site. Not that Aerojet has caused most of the well water in Rancho Cordova to be capped and marked as toxic. Or the fact that Aerojets polution has seeped under the American River and polluted the wells of Carmichael. And the plumes have been proven to cause cancer.

Wait there is more. Remember the other AFB in sacramento McClellan? It will only be a few thousand years before that superfund site is clean. And to top it off the government is trying to skirt it's responsiblities on cleaning up the water for the residents of Rio Linda.

So you have to ask why I question the authorities when they make stupid remarks that a superfund site has actually been cleaned up. BS the ammount of money needed to clean these site would be off the charts. It's like placing a band aid over a bullet wound. They say the railyard is clean, but if you believe it then buy a house on the property and drink the tap water.
"For example, you said: This can be a very powerful information. But where did you get that from? If I say at least 27,000 officers are on duty at all times with nothing to back that up, I am just as reliable a source as you. "

I got that information from a cop who was at my house after it was broken into. I wouldnt post that figure if I didn't get the information from a good source. And what better source is there then the Police? So call me out on this one but it's sad and it's true. 6 cops for every 100,000 on any given shift. If we had 27000 police we would be up there with New York. I wish.

"Lastly, you don't know who votes and who doesn't vote or why people don't vote. Being a Kings fan is exclusive to whether one votes or not. Making such broad suggestions makes you appear biased and ignorant." "[SIZE=-1]

It's amazing the people who vote are the only ones responding. OUt of how many thousands of users a handfull have said something.
No problem there GreenKing. I've been thinking that if thei railyard gets developed as planned that I might buy a condo in one of those nice high rise buildings when I retire. The water that they'll be drinking is the same water that the rest of the city drinks. And hey, isn't that the city water treatment plant just a few yards north of the planned arena? Clue me in, is the cancer rate in the city rising fast?

If you think cancer is a joke and that I am just playing the Cancer card I invite you to go see what a room full of CHemo patients look like. And yes cancer is on the rise. And do we need to put people in harms way when we know the area is polluted?
If only the railyard was just tracks. Not a maintance depot. The yard hasn't been used in years, most people here in sacramento only know the railyard as it's current form. Just because they polluted the land decades ago doesn't mean the pollution evaporated.

I guess I have to join that minority as well.
I don't have issue with someone like GreenKing airing their point of view. But that person has to realize that their points are going to be challenged. Quite frankly there are quite a few point in the original post that are just flat not true. I've spent a ton of time searching the county and city websites along with the environmental info available. A lot of the ground contaminant work is complete and the ground water recycling/filtering is a very long term process that has been underway for years. The area where the SEF is slated to be built is the far north end of the site. There were no buildings on that location until before it became a railyard. That area has just pretty much been tracks forever. So if the dirt under the tracks is cancer waiting to happen, then I guess a huge chunk of the world is doomed because rail lines are everywhere.
Oh and I guess it needs to keep being repeated that groceries are NOT taxed. If the cost of buying food goes up, it won't be due to this tax increase.
I got that information from a cop who was at my house after it was broken into. I wouldnt post that figure if I didn't get the information from a good source. And what better source is there then the Police? So call me out on this one but it's sad and it's true. 6 cops for every 100,000 on any given shift. If we had 27000 police we would be up there with New York. I wish.
I'm not much a fan of hearsay so I found this which states the SPD has 1.7 sworn officers per 1,000 residents: I/6-5-Public-Services.pdf
This somewhat refutes your 6 per statement from the trustworthy police officer. I know this reflects only SPD, but that is the greatest concentration of the population I believe. And provides a tangible fact for people to look at if they choose.

It's amazing the people who vote are the only ones responding. OUt of how many thousands of users a handfull have said something.
Are you referring to me? I never stated my voting status nor how I feel about the arena deal.
Back up there GK, the tap water that is used by the city comes from the city treatment plant - not the ground water in the railyard. Nobody is sinking a well into the railyard ground. Is this clear enough?

That's pretty low to assume that I'm making jokes about cancer. There is zero evidence that any rise in cancer rates in the city are directly due to the water or any other environmental factor directly tied to the railyard.

The area where the arena is being built is tracks - period. Always has been. The train maintenance buildings are south of that area and have different issues. In fact those buildings are slated to remain there in the plans I've seen. That site's cleanup is an entirely different situation than the site where the SEF is to be built. Before you go calling me a person who doesn't know the area, you need to know that I've lived here 45 years and my ancestors for around 100 years. I think I know that area pretty darn well. I can even show you pics online of the railyard in various forms from the last 100 years if you like.

Frankly man, you aren't just hitting a panic button - your using a sledge hammer.
Sac PD covers 300000 people in the city out of the several million we have around the city. I live in the county and the sheriff department covers my neighborhood. The numbers for the smallest part of sacramento are distorted. there very well could be 1.7 officers per 1000 residents. but how many of those officers are on duty per shift?

I'm not much a fan of hearsay so I found this which states the SPD has 1.7 sworn officers per 1,000 residents: I/6-5-Public-Services.pdf
This somewhat refutes your 6 per statement from the trustworthy police officer. I know this reflects only SPD, but that is the greatest concentration of the population I believe. And provides a tangible fact for people to look at if they choose.

Are you referring to me? I never stated my voting status nor how I feel about the arena deal.
Sac PD covers 300000 people in the city out of the several million we have around the city. I live in the county and the sheriff department covers my neighborhood. The numbers for the smallest part of sacramento are distorted. there very well could be 1.7 officers per 1000 residents. but how many of those officers are on duty per shift?
Well, I don't make the schedules. The Census estimates the population of the City of Sacramento at 456,441 (not 300,000) for 2005 (
I know, there I go with a source again. Anyway, based on that we can estimate there are approximately 776 sworn officers for SPD. If they were split in exactly three 8-hour shifts, that would be about 259 officers on duty. I doubt that is how it works; as I said I don't make the schedules. But having only 6 officers on duty for any shift seems unlikely.